Who wouldn’t love Greer? She is my “little miss.” Since I am from Arkansas, it usually slips out as “lil’ miss!” She is so funny, smart, stubborn, strong, tall and I amazed that we are so lucky she is our sweet girl.
Who Wouldn’t Love Greer & GO
Me some days… that’s who wouldn’t love Greer & GO… That’s the gear you have to be in when she hit’s the door. If Greer appears, then it’s definitely time to get going. She is like the energizer bunny, except faster! She loves water, therefore all the grandparents that keep her, have pools stay on high alert. We have just about become automatic with keeping a life vest handy, if she goes out to play. Swim lessons are in the near future…I hope, because when it comes to water for her to find and get in – there is no STOP or FEAR!
Mother’s Day
Since this weekend is Mother’s day I had to give the fearlessness of this sweet girl my focus. Who knew that when I chose to give life to her mother, which made me a mother that I would have the good fortune to have this beautiful, fearless little human in my sphere. She blesses and busies me in more ways than I can possibly count. My hats off to the women who want to become moms late in life, because the few hours that I do have her and have to keep pace with her….
Would You Not Love to

be Snuggled by Greer?
I cannot even begin to wrap my mind around having her full time. Her mother amazes me at keeping a full time job, regular work out schedule and taking such good care of her home & family. I see Amber’s fierce heart and liveliness shine through Greer. They GO until they literally drop.
My Precious Momma
With all that being said, there is a source in which the root of all this “girl’s with fearless grits” come from and that is my momma, Jettie. She has stood strong, tall and been the foundation that has made me all that I am. I do believe the dancing DNA has not missed a girl in our bloodline yet. She has taught Sunday school since before I was born. There is not even a thought about whether we know Jesus or not. She loves with all that she is and makes us all proud to tell anyone who “my momma” is. I have never, ever met anyone who knows her and doesn’t have something nice to say about her. She is, and always will be the most fierce & fearless girl in our tribe! She has passed her love of shoes, sugar and how to cook on to us.
My Mommie

I would be remiss to say that a whole lot of that followed from the DNA of her mother, Mary Ross. My Mommie! She was the best cook EVER! Her hands were ALWAYS warm and her heart was bigger than the sky. She loved her brood and always took care of us. She is loved and missed all the time. There is no doubt that I believe she met Greer before we did, and I’m sure she told her to give her momma and me a run for our money. Keeping up with us sure gave her one. It would not surprise me one bit, if before Greer came to meet us, that my Mommie sent her off with this verse to serve her well while on this earth:
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works and that my soul knows very well. Psalms 139:14
One thing I do know for sure, there is NO that would ever love Greer more than Gandmother & Mommie.
Who Wouldn’t Love Greer Coming From Fearless Women
Words that all of us in this Fearless group of gals have put to good use! He sure has blessed me more than I deserve; from my past generations to the ones to come… ones that I will never meet, may they all be Fearless, Faithful and Lean In for the ride… Trina
Words that all of us in this Fearless group of gals have put to good use! He sure has blessed me more than I deserve; from my past generations to the ones to come… ones that I will never meet, may they all be Fearless, Faithful and Lean In for the ride…