Goals and Objectives for June and Beyond

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www.redneckrhapsody.com Blog Goals list for June

Goals and Objectives for June and Beyond

Goals and Objectives for June and beyond are set in place. So, I’ve been blogging a little over a year. I am nowhere near where I thought I would be, nor where I want to be. Yet, I have been tracking my numbers a little more closely since March. I set up an excel spreadsheet with all of my accounts to track it more accurately.

Growing Steadilywww.redneckrhapsody.com Personal Goals list for June

Things have been growing steadily. I changed hosts in January, therefore I have been able to get a lot more things set in place. Without a doubt, I know 10x’s more than I did a couple of months ago, but I still need to learn so much more. Having goals and objectives set to keep learning and building makes this blogging gig fresh & new all the time.

A Little Guarded

As it stands, I’ve been a little guarded against using adsense and some other forms of monetization. There are several new things that I am working on, but haven’t engaged in them thoroughly. However, I love that some of y’all (fellow bloggers) have been able to hone in on exactly what works for your site and readers.

A niche is just a niche

A niche is just a niche, or not… I hate to bring this to my own attention, much less all y’alls, but this is how I feel about this subject: Not to mention, there’s that little thing that everybody keeps mentioning, that really put me off, for over a year. Before I even started my blog, I researched everything, all in all, this is what kept me from actually pressing the “start button.” That thing would be “niche.” What is a niche?

www.redneckrhapsody.com What's yo Niche? Start!

Well, best way I can explain is it is your groove or lane. Which, unfortunately, has led me all the way to this understanding…… I am totally “nicheless!” Or I could be considered SO multi-niched, that I’m just shit outta luck when trying to find a specific audience. In other words, from all I read, watch or listen to, says you’ll find most of your followers from people in “like” categories, so where are all my transniched tribe?

www.redneckrhapsody.com Niche thoughts Travel, DIY, Food, Lifestyle

Goals are not always an objective

Not sure it’s so much a goal, but a definite objective is to become proud and own; being non-niche specific. I want to put into place the best ideas and thoughts, to in turn wrap all of that into a brand benefit instead of a determent.

Future goals and objectives

Goals and objectives for my blog, for the most part, are what I want to see climb. An increase traffic in the 100’s daily would be terrific. I want to see numbers, comments and increase across the board of all media engagement. ***This means if you aren’t following me on FB, Pinterest, IG, YouTube, Twitter and sign up to get emails when a new post or video goes out…Click on the buttons to the left side of the screen. JUST DO IT!!!*** A minimum of 10% increase, but I’ll take as much as I can get, JS! ;\ !!!

www.redneckrhapsody.com Projection graph (fictitious) Goals for June

Attainable goals and objectives 

Believing that I will have an increase in all of these areas, because I no longer set unattainable goals. I did do that in the beginning. Now, you can always have one of those crazy pins that can go viral….(fingers crossed), of course I would take that!

Lets see if social media and blog June numbers take it to a new level

For now, I will continue to put out info, push the social media and pray for the best. It’s all about SEO, alt text, key words and just doing the work. Working hard for the 10% by the end of June, but I have goals and objectives set for the next 3 months. Au revoir to May & Cheers to June!

Thanks Lind Jean of WittesWorld for throwing out this #JuneChallenge for those of us who get off track. The one “I tried” to accomplish in January (I’ll drop those links below) really excelled some of my numbers, besides helped me become a lot more disciplined in my blog skills.

Forever grateful to great bloggers who lift us up to become better

& fearless,




Setting goals using the S.M.A.R.T. method

Set goals January Day 1-10

www.redneckrhapsody.com The most delicious coconut cake on a beautiful glass teal cake plate. www.redneckrhapsody.com
Mommies & Aunt Neat’s Coconut Cake – Day 11-20

Challenge post header - DONEJanuary Challenge Day 21-31 


5 thoughts on “Goals and Objectives for June and Beyond”

  1. Wow, I’m tired just reading your list of things you want to accomplish (and have already accomplished)! I’ve done a couple of 30-day challenges, and they were fun, but I sure was glad when they were over! Working full time and blogging during the evenings and weekends, I was wiped out at the end.

    It’s a great thing to do, though, and I’ll be cheering you on. 🙂

    • I’m terrible at posting every day, so we shall see…. I already have 2-3 ready almost. Two are guest post. I filmed 2 YT videos today, that I’ll have to edit & I’ll try to roll a post in/out of them. ??Prayers appreciated, too.

  2. Goodness. I am luck to post twice a month! Not because I don’t have enough that I want to post, just can’t get it together that quickly. Good luck and I will be excited to follow along.


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