Ever thought about being in a movie? The filming of God’s Not Dead: A Light in Darkness was taking place not far from where we live. They were doing auditions for roles and extra’s. What the heck, why not do something you’ve ever done before?
Where Did We Get The Idea to Audition For Being in a Movie? Fearless Friday Fun!
Back in September one fearless Friday, Noah & I caught a post that gave us the idea about auditioning for the God’s Not Dead movie that was going to be filming in Arkansas. We thought what the heck, do something different… you just never know. We took headshots, printed the parts that we thought might fit us and went to Little Rock one Saturday morning.
Will You Wait in Line If You Decide to Audition for a Part in a Movie?
Yes, you will be standing in line if you go to an open audition for a movie. Now, to stand in line for about 3 hours; all to find out after we filled out paperwork that Noah was 2 months shy of being 18.
It would do no good for him to read. I really didn’t care much about doing it after finding that out, but we stayed the course and read the lines – or made them up. Me that is, HA HA HA! I have not read a memorized script since Up the Down Staircase in high school. I am a total fly by the seat of my pants girl. Improv all the way babe. So that lead balloon sunk FAST!!!
Who Became Extra’s: Calling All Extras
I received a phone call and email to see if I would be willing to be an extra. They were looking for people with colored hair. It just so happened that I was rocking platinum blonde with blue in it with a really great Asymmetrical cut, thanks to my terrific stylist and best sister ever, Connie Hanusowski.
What to Expect on the First Day Filming!
I had no idea what to expect on my first day of filming. We had to be there by 6:00 am on a Saturday, ugh…. They did a once over of our clothes. They wanted NO print, NO real color and only certain styles.
We were hold up in the courtroom until around 8:30 am. We were given signs to protest outside the police station and told we were either for the church or for the state. They filmed us chanting and yelling for about 45 minutes.
We came back in and those of us who brought a shirt or five shared with others to change up our look. After the once over again from the wardrobe girls waited around till about 11:00 am.
We hit the protest pavement again for about an hour and a half, then went home. WOOHOO – sunburnt slightly and SUPER HUNGRY and THIRSTY…. Why does anyone want to be an extra???
Filming For Hours – a few weeks later
Got to the set about 1:00 pm filmed for about 10 hours off and on and in several different outfits.
Wayne arrived from the airport to meet me. He ended up getting cast for the next scene. Sitting in church with me. YES, if you will look for us on in the pews on the right side about the 4th row back, when David R. White is introducing his friend as a new pastor, you can catch a quick glimpse of us.
Final Day…NIGHT
The very last night that the movie was being filmed we arrived on set around 9:00 pm. We filmed off and on ALL NIGHT long.
It was around November 1st, so let’s just say it’s cold standing outside at 3:00 am, but you will find me along the fence with one girl between two of the young supporting actors and myself.
Wayne is a couple of people behind me handing out candles. But if you look really, really fast we are there. I am mostly blurred, but there! We were able to hit the hay around 6:00 am.
How Do You End Up Supporting Both the Good and Bad Side in a Movie?
Ever wondered how you can be a supporting positive and negative sides of a movie? Showing up on set with multiple clothes for changing is all it takes to get you from one of the first scene in the movie on God’s side to the (which was filmed on the last night of shooting) with the end scene being a protester against the church.
I went to film for 3 different days total. The first day was protesting the church, second was walking around the school/church campus (almost all of the ENTIRE day was totally cut from final movie), and third day went from church lady, to protester, then converting to a candlelight bearing kind protester.
God’s Not Dead: A Light in Darkness LR, Arkansas Premier
Last Friday night March 30, 2018, we went to the Premier of God’s Not Dead: A Light in Darkness. Was pleasantly surprised when some great friends showed up to support us. Love that! It was fun to see all the long hours mostly be cut out….LOL. The movie was good and the meaning of it was even better. Hope you can go see & enjoy it! It is cool that I can go onto IMDb and be registered now.
It Was An Experience
I had fun. Met some really cool people. If we were in the Atlanta or NOLA area I might consider it, but we aren’t. So, I think I’ll just enjoy pounding the keys on this laptop, hopping a plane, hitting the road, breaking / making something, get to cookin’ or play with Lil’ Miss a while.
What Did it Change For Wayne & Me Forever?
Not that we thought that actually being in the movie would change life forever, but it did change the way we would EVER watch a show or movie again. Once you peek behind the curtain you will never “unsee” how it’s all done.
Be Fearless!
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