There is something about summer that just makes an easy, Southern Tequila Sunset a perfect inspiration drink. What could be better than watching the sun slip beyond the horizon and usher in twilight than sipping on a perfect cocktail of tequila, dripping with oranges, all while floating in a peach and raspberry liqueur haze? This is what an easy Southern Tequila Sunset inspires. Makes you wish you were having this Mexican Sunset drink on a beach watching the sun splash into the Pacific.

Does an easy Southern Tequila Sunset have to be served at sunset?
No, absolutely not. My easy Southern Tequila Sunset is the perfect drink to serve any time of the day. This cousin to the Mexican Tequila Sunset fits almost any time of day or occasion. That is one reason I have fallen in love with the simple tequila and peach schnapps cocktail.
Simple, Easy and Delicious – Southern Tequila Sunset
All I can say is if you have the right ingredients this take on a Mexican alcohol drink is super satisfying. Looks totally terrific in a glass, especially if you are trying to make a cocktail that not only looks sexy, but holds its own in the taste department.
Just How Easy is this Cocktail?
Other than your basics: ice, glass and garnish if you feel inspired to do so; you will need four things. Now, the flavor will vary somewhat depending on which brands you choose to use for those four things! What are the four?
- Tequila
- Orange Juice,
- Peach Schnapps
- Raspberry (Chambord) Liqueur
Let’s Talk Tequila:
Tequila is something of a beast. You can pick silver/white or you might pick gold/amber. The more I am mixing these days, the more picky that I get. I may actually get brave and write a post about the different kinds of tequila before long, but for now this is a great read on which tequila you might like. When I think about authentic Mexican cocktails, my mind goes straight to tequila, which can cause a glorious agave fog….

Next We Want Tasty Liqueurs!
To add a subtle difference is where the liqueur’s come in. This slight deviation from a regular tequila sunset is because I add peach schnapps. De Kuyper’s Peach Tree is the brand that is generally in my cabinet. I keep a large bottle of it. It is one of my favorite things to add to my drinks for adding a true “southern” flare.
I currently have 4 (maybe even more) different brands of raspberry/berry liqueurs in the cabinet. My very favorite in this realm is Chambord. It is the most expensive of them. Therefore, the old saying you get what you pay for, is sometimes very accurate. Here is the short list of others that you could use in its place to still make this drink extremely tasty. I am going to list them in the order of which I prefer best to least:
- Chambord
- di Amore Raspberry
- De Kuyper Razzmatazz
- Rock Town Blackberry
Just know that this is in the opinion of my taste buds only. Your taste buds may like one of these other brands much better than my number one. I would be interested if your favorite varies and which you pick!

Southern Tequila Sunset Main Player is O.J.!
Orange juice is the main ingredient in a Southern Tequila Sunset, or actually in any Tequila Sunset/Sunrise drink. (I have seen a few recipes where pineapple was the main juice.) You have to decide: pulp or no pulp. Fresh squeeze is always a great way to take it up a notch. Using a strainer is all you need to use if pulp is an issue for you. I do highly recommend NOT using orange juice from a can. The acidity in the juice and the metal of the can, just doesn’t make a great combo for how I want my drink to taste.
When I am out and order any drink that has orange juice as an ingredient, I always ask before ordering if their bar uses juice from a can. I will change my order if they do. That’s how much I am not a fan of canned O.J.

Ice is Important for this drink!
You will mix this drink right in the glass, so ice helps. You fill a highball glass at least half to 3/4 full or a low ball ¾ of the way. Now, if you are feeling fancy it can be made in a shaker, less the raspberry liqueur. Pour into a martini glass then add the raspberry liqueur. Actually adding the raspberry liqueur to the cocktail glass before pouring the cocktail mix from the shaker works a little better. I will demo highball & cocktail both on the video.
You will carefully add the raspberry liqueur around the edges of the drink, so it can slowly fade down into the glass to settle to the bottom. Yes, it can be stirred for flavor purposes before drinking. The effect of what it looks like sinking through the orange fluid leaves you with the feeling of a delightful southern sunset tumbling down into dusk.
I prefer to chill my cocktail glass ahead of time if I’m going this route. You will also need to adjust the amount of all the ingredients by about half per serving, This will vary depending on glass size and according to what amount your glass holds. I will drop a note in the recipe about this.
When is a Good time to serve an Easy Southern Tequila Sunset?
Really this drink can be served at any time. Should you want a perfect brunch drink, but not something typical, like a mimosa. This is a great choice. I clearly enjoy this cocktail enough that I would drink it at any time and for any occasion! OR no occasion at all… May just because it’s a thirsty Thursday or time for a tipsy Tuesday!
Cinca di Mayo is a perfect occasion to fix up a Southern Tequila Sunset. You could easily slide it onto the menu alongside a Southern Margarita, just in case lime isn’t your thing. Nobody has to miss out on the celebration with one these tasty Mexican treats or another. Should you still be looking for the fit for your taste buds maybe a Tequila Sunrise will suit you.
What Type of Appetizer or Food Should You Serve with a Southern Tequila Sunset?
Well, something Mexican of course, will work. I happen to have a Healthy Guacamole and Terrific Tropical Salsa. Either of these or both in combination complement each other. Enchiladas, tacos or burritos, etc… This list could go on forever. No, you don’t have to like Mexican food to drink tequila alcohol drinks, but it sure fits together like a hand in a glove!

Check out how we make this beauty on the video.
Let me know how y’all like it after you try it!
Cheers y’all!
Xoxo ~ Trina

Southern Tequila Sunset
- 1 glass Ice Fill
- 1.5 – 2 oz Tequila
- 1.5 – 2 oz Peach Schnapps
- 12 oz Orange Juice Approximately 12 oz.
- 1.5 – 2 oz Chambord Liqueur My personal choice of brand.
- 1 or 2 slices Peach (firm) / Orange and or Raspberries Fresh or Frozen
- Add first four ingredients in order into highball glass. Stir. Slowly add Chambord around the edge. Let it sink for the sunset look. Peach or orange slice maybe used for garnish or if it is frozen float it in drink for keeping it chilled. You can also add a few raspberries. I love them if they are frozen.
- If you choose to do the cocktail version you want to half the ingredients. Do the same order in the shaker that you would do in the highball glass. Shake well. I love to chill the glass in the freezer. Remove from freezer. I add a few frozen raspberries in the bottom of the glass. Add the Chambord to the glass. Drizzle around the inside of the cocktail glass. Gently pour the Southern Sunset mix from the shaker into the glass. Garnish with orange or peach slice.
Loved it!
This makes me so happy! Cheers!
wow, this drink looks really good. I think I am gonna try it tom 🙂 thanks for sharing.
I hope you enjoyed it!
I loved your recipe and tried it last night with a group of friends. Everyone literally adored the drinks and asked for more. Thanks for the recipe!
I’m so glad it was a hit! Thank you for sharing.