How to DIY Sexy Steampunk Costume

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How to DIY Sexy Steampunk Costume was rather easy with all the years of accumulating items that would work. If this isn’t how you roll, then I suggest hitting up a thrift store, Goodwill or garage sale.

I have always loved making our Halloween costumes. Just cannot bring myself to purchase a full-on entire costume from one of the Halloween stores.

I do, however, sometimes buy accessories that make the outfit complete.


DIY Sexy Steampunk Couple
We clean or dirty up pretty good…

Year Before Last DIY Steampunk Costumes

Steampunk DIY 18
He is so handsome, punk and all!

Let me take a sec to hop back to year before last costumes. We chose Steampunk for it, too. BORING, right same theme two years running…. IKR, but not really.

I did make many changes. I will be touching on these, such as the hat that Noah did not wear 2017, I took it and gave it a glammed-up makeover for my outfit 2018.

Yes, I do post my costume DIY information & how to’s post a year behind.

Kinda just works out that way, considering that when I started making these costumes and taking the pictures was on October 24, 2018. Since the party we needed them for was on October the 27th, much less write a post.


This how to would need to arrive in the blog / Pinterest / email box for anyone to use closer to the first of October, especially if you have to start accumulating all the things to make it.


Pinterest picture #2

DIY Sexy Steampunk Costume – Starting at the top!


The hat was going to be a pivotal part of making the look that I wanted. I used one of the hats that I made for Noah’s the year before. I made 2 the year before; One was coated in tissue paper, the other I used strips of newspaper.

All the how to’s can be seen on this post: DIY Steampunk. Although, I had the extra hat made, I knew it needed a color change and some glam-punking.


Making the hat Steampunk


I used blue spray paint and a piece of old lace to spray over and move around to give it some texture. Ended up leaving the lace on the front because I loved it.

I used some peacock feathers and a headband that I had around the house to add height and some structure that I could build from and add goodies to. The video has details of Wayne’s & my hat.


DIY Sexy Ladies Steampunk Hat Completerd

The Jewelry for Steampunk Sexy factor

The right pieces of jewelry can definitely amp up the look of most any outfit, but especially one like this! Earrings are so fun for this – Chandelier was the choice. Went with a metal and bead choker necklace to complete the look.


Steampunk dressed and ready to go.ready

The DIY Dress for the Sexy Steampunk look

Top Half – Covered

Corset for Steampunk costume being reworked to become all black instead of black and red.

Let’s just say the dress was not that sexy. If I hadn’t mix matched it with a few things I had in the back of my closet and the bottom dresser drawer, lol.

The stretchy, off the shoulder, white shirt has been around the closet for like a decade, no lie. I wore it with jeans when it was first bought and in style, but for the last 6-8 years it has made itself very useful for several costumes: Pirate, Vampire, Wench, Fortune Teller, and Steampunk!

Much like the white shirt, the black corset has been retired to the bottom drawer for a couple of decades. Had lots of fun in it, though…

Probably more with using it in many of those above-mentioned costumes than any other, but I will say that I was once young and in love, so it definitely had its moments, now back to steampunking.

The red ribbons on the corset were original. They looked great for a pirate and wench, but not so much for this outfit. I removed all the red and replaced with black. If I don’t lose some luggage off this structure of mine, I may not ever get to revisit some of these antique relics that I’ve saved for so long.

Bottoms Up

(Sorry the lighting in this room is so bad.)

Sexy dress??? Yeah, not so much, but it was a nice two-piece formal for a special occasion that had served its purpose. I did want to do as little damage as possible, just in case I ever needed/wanted to wear it again for another event.

I never even took the top out of the closet. However, the skirt was perfect for what I wanted my costume to look like.

The pictures & video will give details of how I only made a tiny slit in the under coat of skirt, just above the net.

I used simple black satin ribbon to gather the taffeta of the skirt and tie in a bow to expose the underneath layer of net, which I use safety pins to adjust to the shorter length in the front.


Yay! Minimal damage to the actual dress; super cute, sexy steampunk skirt for the win!

Breezy modeling corset and skirt for the sexy steampunk costume.
Breezy wore it much better than me! #notopnecessary

Large pattern fishnet pantyhose under sexy steampunk skirt

Fishnet tight’s were the final touch. There are many types and varieties. You could even go with a regular black pantyhose and maybe just put a few holes in them.

If you have never put a pair of these on, I don’t advise drinking first.

You’re welcome. Because by the time I got them on (correctly) I needed a DOUBLE on the rocks!!! At least they were not uncomfortable.

I went with a short black boot that had a great heel and pointed toe. They are perfect for a little height, but great for dancing. These have been in the closet for a while.

I have found a new store that has some amazing choice’s! Rue La La has a fantastic selection. Bet you can find something there. (Someone just might have a fetish with boots.) #bootaddiction


My DIY Steampunk Sexy Man’s look

Well, I covered the hat. We have acquired quite the collection of tuxedos’ and the accessories that go with them over the last 28 years. A trip to the spare closet can also send the SCB into a time warp of his own.

I added a few little trinkets here and there; along with a nice dose of jewelry on his hands.

Although he did get a homemade necktie. I made him a scarf tie from leftover material that was for making only the good Lord knows for what and how many years ago (I’m sure it involved a costume for somebody, going to something). Maybe he should wear eyeliner & have stubble all the time, LOL.

This DIY Sexy Steampunk Costume was VERY Cost Effective

Essentially, this costume cost only the price of my fishnet tight’s. I feel that we did really good at keeping the cost down, all while maximizing the best of broken, out of date/style and recycling leftovers.

Wayne and Trina at the last party of the night all steampunked out
We were at the last party of the night (we even skipped 1 of the 4). We were just about ALL steampunked out….


Let me know in the comments are you:

  1.  Buy the whole costume new every year
  2.  I’m not dressing up no matter what
  3.  Buy cheap but accessorize from you own private stash
  4.  Homemade all the way
  5.  Somewhere in the middle


Have a fun and safe Halloween.

Get lots of candy and play plenty of tricks!

Now, I have to decide what want to pick for my “poison” for the evening… I think Southern Purple Passion sounds pretty satisfying. BUT a Southern Tequila Sunset seems to set the mood, too.

Party responsibly!

Make it a rhapsodyville kinda night!

xoxo ~ Trina

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