Message to America – Senator Jason Rapert
This message was delivered to our congregation earlier this year at the Bridge Church in Cabot, AR. We have Senator Rapert as a guest speaker several times a year. He is a public servant, a prophet of God, full of the Holy Ghost, a loving husband and father. ⬅⬅(These were my words)
Arkansas Senator Jason Rapert – Bio from FB
Husband, Dad, Evangelist, Senator, Business Consultant, Friend & Fiddler.
- Senator at Arkansas State Senate
- He is the Founder & President of Holy Ghost Ministries Inc
- Studied Political science at University of Central Arkansas
I consider it an honor and privilege to know him. He is who we want representing the people and protecting our laws. He is unwavering in his belief of protecting the lives of unborn children. This makes him golden to me. [My heart on this matter will forever be changed, after I chose life at 16 years old for my daughter. It was a very debated issue, but the Lord gave me the answer to give life and I was forever changed… Amber does the Lords work by loving on all the kids she sees as a nurse. She is an advocate, defender and encourager. My world would have never have looked the same without her.] Senator Rapert had a hand in making sure that Arkansas passed the laws that protect Israel against the BDS movement. His knowledge on the history of America astounds me. After hearing him, I leave knowing that I need to go study more! I pray that at this time and point in the history of our country that you will enjoy this message as much as I did.
Pray & Protect
I hope that you will join me in praying for our country, its public servants, for Senator Rapert and his family. This man of God has death threats on a regular basis. He receives hate mail, weekly, if not daily. His social media is accosted by people who wish him ill will, defame him and they try to destroy his reputation. SO PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE join me in keeping him & his family surrounded by a continual hedge of protection. Thank you for watching & thank Senator Rapert for your permission for me to share this. Thank you Senator for standing strong, leaning in without wavering on your principles, thank you for sharing the love of Jesus Christ and never being ashamed to defend the scripture.
Pray big & lean in hard….this fight for faith and country is REAL